Digital Literacy for Website Editors
The Digital team offers WordPress training several times a month. If you have a special need, we can schedule a training session with you and your team.
Building for User Experience
A good web design takes into consideration the audience accessing the web content, the primary devices they use, the various states needed for each element (initial, hover, active) and optimization of delivery performance.
Related Tools & Resources
Information architects make websites make sense. Their work overlaps with that of graphic designers, user experience experts, project managers, and front-end developers. But while designers focus on color and typography and developers deal with code, the organization of information is the information architect’s main gig. Just like the architect of a building makes decisions about placement of columns, windows and doors, a web page architect might ask, “What information belongs on our home page? Should we put team bios on our About page or with our contact information? Will more people click this button if we put it on the right instead of the left?”
Georgia State uses Slickplan to develop the site information architecture and user experience framework.
Building for Accessibility
Ensuring that web content meets accessibility guidelines is always important. As a public university, it is even more so. Accessibility requirements are developed to ensure that content works for people with disabilities.
Related Tools & Resources
Understanding Analytics
Google Analytics is the industry standard for web analytics. This powerful tool provides the means to track, analyze, and report on-site visits, marketing goals, and ad revenue generated from your site.